Friday, April 20, 2012


This morning, I've read a short article in Inc magazine about Maggie Fox, founder, CEO and Chief Marketing Officer of Social Media Group. A quote of hers struck me,
If you have any more than three priorities, then you have no priorities.
It got me thinking--what are my current priorities? I have no idle day for the past weeks, including the weeks after school ended. I have always made conscious effort on filling my schedule up not because I want to die early from stress but because I love being busy. Most of the stuff I do are experiences worth having, especially since they allow me to grow, learn and have fun at the same time. That and another thing--I have a problem saying "No."

I often take on responsibilities I have knowledge of, but have little skill on. I like to take on the challenge, but to an extent I know it sacrifices the quality and time. However, I just really find it hard to say no! Especially when it's a superior who is asking me to do this and that. I never refuse to answer a question when I myself am interested with the answer; same goes with projects when I myself want to be involved with the result. I know I should have a limit but I just couldn't find the strength to pass up on opportunities! (I believe they come my way for a reason)

If I were to weigh my priorities right now and choose the top three (see, I don't have priorities because I have identified five--well, that's including family and God) it would be Full Suite, Jacinto & Lirio, and CAP.*
*until end of May

Beginning June, hopefully I'd have different priorities. I'd like to list them down now: Academics, CAP, ASEANpreneurs. I have P3 lined up after Full Suite internship and Jacinto & Lirio will be something I'd be passionate about (and would want to be more involved in), same goes with co.lab (which I have entirely different plans for, right after I graduate).

Academics is first because I have a goal next semester! I must do all I can for my final year, without compromising my professional work in my organizations. My mantra is: if others could do it, so can I! I tend to slack off a bit in studies when org responsibilities become too hectic; but this semester I plan to balance my time well enough that I may have no time for friends at all :( But I'm surviving so, that's something I could catch up on later.

CAP because well, I've signed up for this and I've been given a huge responsibility--an opportunity to grow and market myself. It's definitely a challenge.

ASEANpreneurs... well this one I just decided on today. I'm going to make AYLE Philippines happen, and if being the country head for ASEANpreneurs Philippines is what it's going to take then I'm up for it! Even if I don't get picked to be country head I'd still participate. AYLE has really changed my life.

But wait, why am I talking about next month's priorities? Focus on the NOW, Kaye!!!

Full Suite: I have exhausted my first two weeks of internship--about 136 hours remaining. Very short period, and I still have a lot to learn. I'm enjoying my internship and the close relationship we interns have with the company partners and managers. That's the good thing about interning at a small company--you really work hand in hand with the bosses and your responsibilities bear larger impact for the company.

Jacinto&Lirio: I am not satisfied with my performance and contributions, but I'm still driven to work really hard to help the company. I have but 21 days to reach $8000, I can't do it alone, but I shouldn't rely on others too. This is the biggest challenge of my summer thus far.

CAP: Marketing will start beginning of May. The responsibility of handling th co-presenter has been passed on to me. Pressure! And of course, being the SAC of Externals Dept whilst being new to the organization is overwhelming, but I accept the challenge. I'm excited to meet the  candidates for Officership tomorrow! And of course the pre-post plan meeting (ugh, this will be one long afternoon).


If you're free tomorrow at 2PM, you might want to hear @markbantigue, curator of, speak at the Spark Series entitled Curating as Branding, happening at co.lab Makati. The event is free (with snacks from Conti's) so don't hesitate to go! If only I could ditch my meeting, I'd definitely be listening to Mark.

Prior-itis: the condition of missing events you really would want to attend because of prior commitments


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